Knitting News: Knitting Passenger Makes Flight “Unbearable”

Hmmm. Wonder how she heard all those little clicks over the sound of the jet engines…..

Excerpts from the New Jersey online edition of The Record:

“I wriggled away from our common armrest to make room as she bent over and rummaged in her cavernous carry-on. But what she eventually retrieved demanded closer inspection. Were they …? Yes, the woman was … knitting.


“Do you knit?” she was asking our row-mate by the window, a twentysomething listening to her iPod. I am not a betting person, but I’d have staked my dog’s life on the answer.

The needles hissed and clicked at an alarming rate. Their relentless rhythm was, I’m sure, barely audible, but it had become some Poe-like pounding my ears could not tune out. Suddenly, this woman, despite her earth mother attire, despite even the glow cast upon her from the overhead light, had not a trace of angelic.

I was thinking about how I had to pack my bottle of wine in my checked suitcase, along with my toothpaste and allergy nasal spray. Any or all of which could be smashed and destroying my clothing at this very moment — while a foul-smelling woman with a poke-the-pilots’-eyes-out weapon sat right beside me.”

This travel writer must have used extendable ears.
