Knitting News: International Yarn Bombing Day in Trevino

I’ve been aware of yarn bombing for quite a while now, the art of decorating hard urban spaces with soft sculpture, created by knitting, crochet, and other fiber arts. Until this afternoon, however, I had no idea that now there’s an official international Yarn Bombing Day, annually held on June 11. Also didn’t know that many individuals who’ve been involved one way or another with bomb-created violence object to the use of the word in this peaceful activity. “Yarn Graffiti” is one of the alternatives that has been suggested, but it still remarkable no to be seen if a change will be adopted. It would take time for everyone to adapt, one would think.

Anyway, I spent several hours surfing the net to check out the art installed in many of the locations around the world, and found a range of designs encompassing the simple to the original and complex. Lots of quirkiness and fun. Below I’ve posted my favorite creation, a small herd of lacy kangaroos, created by Nini &Wink. You can check them out over at Facebook, where they present their specialty, creating needlework covers for all sorts of objects.

Lovecats Cowl Kit

I hardly ever promote products here at Dances with Wools, but when I saw this cowl, I just had to post it. The designer, Caroline Sommerfield, is a dedicated animal rights activist. She created a line of cat and dog colored yarns called – what else? – Meow and Woof, and donates proceeds to rescue and adoption agencies, spaying and neutering programs, and trap-neuter-return programs that support feral cat colonies with safe shelter, food, and vet care. What a brilliant way to combine the love of knitting with love of animals! Those two things are also close to my own heart; hence, this post.



This particular cowl is made in Silver Tabby Ursula, and features tabby style stripes interspersed with little  paw prints. Caroline’s company, Ancient Arts Fiber Crafts , features other kitty color ways in the Meow line, as well as an array of other yarns, patterns, and kits, along with a list of retailers.

You can order the Lovecats Cowl Kit , which is $39.99, here .